Darcia is a very mysterious character. Even at the very end, we don't know that much more about him than we did at the beginning. However, a lot of important details are filled in, leaving us to speculate about the rest.

These things, though, we know for certain. Darcia is the third generation in his family. His grandparents were the first to discover the way to Paradise - they researched, leaving behind everything that they found, before they vanished into Paradise. However, because his grandfather disappeared into Paradise, this left the remainder of Darcia's family with a curse.

Everyone in the Darcia family could now fall prey to Paradise sickness. Paradise would steal away a person's heart, leaving their body behind and their soul to slowly rot away. The only cure for this would be actually finding Paradise.

When he was young, Darcia was very much in love with a woman named Harmona, and she with him. They promised each other that they would be together always - but Harmona fell prey to the Paradise sickness. This gave Darcia a purpose: he would attain Paradise and bring Harmona back, no matter what it took.